Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lemp Mansion Investigation

Exterior of the Lemp Mansion

The Lemp Mansion

            Well it’s finally here! My follow up blog on the Lemp Mansion! Sorry it took me so long to get this back to all of you but going through video, pictures and voice recordings took much longer than I originally estimated.

The Lemp Experience

            My team, Jenn, Charles (my brother), and myself, arrived at the mansion just before 9:00pm where our night was to begin with the mansion sponsored “Lemp Experience,” which was a tour and ghost hunt with a local paranormal group. During  the tour both Jenn and I had personal experiences.  At one point we were heading into the Lavender Suite on the second floor, when Jenn felt tugging at her pants leg. And in the front right dinning room on the first floor I experienced a tingling sensation all over my head. At that point we knew it was going to be a good night!

The Lavender Suite
(Jenn Taking a little Nap)

Front Right Dinning room
            The tour lasted an hour and then it took another hour for the mansion to empty of other guests. Around 11:30pm we found ourselves alone. Unlike other bed and breakfasts’, at the Lemp Mansion there is no overnight staff, so you’re on your own till morning!

EVP Sessions

Once all the other guests had left, we began getting our equipment organized and going over the plan for the night. We set up video cameras to record in several areas of the mansion and began taking photographs of every room in the house. Once we were all set up we waited for a short while just to let the house settle down and then we began our EVP sessions.
We moved from room to room asking questions and hoping for a response. Some rooms felt more active than others. The front left dinning room was one of the more active spots as all three of us experienced something. At one point during the session I felt as though someone was draping a blanket over my back. I asked if it was one of the Lemp’s and it happened again! Charles heard a whisper, and Jenn felt waves of static energy. We thought for sure when we played back our recorders we would have captured some evidence. But there was nothing.
One area of the house believed to be a “hot spot” is the bedroom where Charles Lemp took his life on the second floor.  Just before 3:00am we set up for an EVP session. As we had done in all the other rooms prior, we also set up a flashlight with a twist back that had been slightly loosened. We began asking questions and continued to do so for around five minutes before Charles mentioned the flashlight and asked that if Charles Lemp was with us, could he turn it on. And it lit up! We were astonished! We’d placed the flashlight in so many rooms prior with no interaction. And then just when we asked for it…It came on!

Charles Lemp Bedroom

The spirit continued for around fifteen minutes to turn the light on and off for us. But even though we’d seen it with our own eyes we were skeptical. So when we entered the next room, we didn’t loosen the back of the flashlight. We made it so that if a ghost were to turn it on it was just as difficult for them as for us.
It was around 3:30am when we entered the William Lemp suite. There was a thunderstorm raging outside and the mood seemed movie perfect for our next session. We began asking questions just as before and after a while asked if the spirit was one of the Lemps, could they turn on the flashlight. Nothing. I then asked if it was a border who’d lived in the house after the Lemps had left. And on it popped! We were even more amazed this time as we knew there was no chance that the light had accidentally come on. We asked if they could turn the light off for us, and they did. No hesitation. It was on and then off. We could also hear the sound of the flashlight moving slightly on the bench were we had set it. We asked it to turn it on and off for us a few more times and the spirit did so each time. It wasn’t till we began asking question about the Lemp nursery, that is thought to be the most haunted spot in the house, that we lost communication. But the experience was amazing!

William Lemp Suite

By around 5:00am in the morning we had investigated every room in the house and decided to gather our equipment and go. It was bittersweet as we’d had some amazing experiences and we were all eager to have more. But there was still the evidence to go over.

What we Caught

There was what seemed like countless hours of recordings to go over but in the end we caught two EVP’s!!!
The first was caught in the Lemp main dining room on the first floor. Prior to beginning our session we’d been talking a lot about the dog that Charles Lemp had killed along with himself. My brother had experienced the dog brushing up against his leg on an earlier visit to the Lemp and since then we’d all become fascinated by him. But eventually we began the session. I asked, “Is there anyone here with us?” And just after, on the recording, you hear a dog bark!
            Dog Bark: www.

Our next EVP was caught in the room we were staying in, the Lavender Suite. We were in the middle of a session when we heard a loud click. Charles asks, “Was that you that just made that noise?” And then you hear footsteps leading away! What’s really interesting is that the footsteps sound as though they are on hardwood floors but the Lemp is fully carpeted these days.

            Footsteps: www.

            NOTE: Both of these EVP’s are best listened to with headphones. And the “Footstep” Evp plays through once at regular volume and then I’ve looped it to play again with the volume turned up. Also there is a major highway that passes by right next to the Lemp Mansion so a lot of the background noise you hear is road noise.

A Sampling of Pictures from the Investigation


Main Staircase


Upper Hallway facing the William Lemp Suite

We were a bit Slap-Happy by 5am in the Charles Lemp Room

Bar on the main Floor

Door to the Nursery

Hallway Facing Charles Lemp Room

Charles and Jenn in the Lemp Museum and Gift Shop

Comments Or Questions?

            If you have any comments or questions please contact me at or leave a comment here. You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook under AislinnAM

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