Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lemp Mansion Ghost Hunt

Lemp Ghost Hunt

If you follow me on either Twitter or Facebook you probably already know that I’m participating in a Ghost Hunt this Thursday, September 19, 2013 at the Lemp Mansion in St. Louis Missouri. 
The “hunt” is sponsored by the mansion and starts at 9:30pm Central Time. Afterword myself and a good friend, who is also a sensitive, will stay the night in the mansion to carry on our own investigation. And we will be bringing it all to you via live Tweet!
For those who don’t know, the Lemp Mansion is considered one of the most haunted houses in the United States and ranks pretty high worldwide. Not impressed? Well neither was I prior to the first time I visited this alleged spot of ghostly activity back in 2002. That night myself and my small party had the house to ourselves. In those days there were only three rooms available and we decided to book them all for the night. But not for any sort of ghost investigation because none of us actually believed in ghosts! But all that changed after one night at Lemp. We thought it would be fun to stay in a “real haunted house” at Halloween time but being nonbelievers we had no expectations of anything actually happening. In fact the first half of the night we dismissed every strange happening. But in the end we couldn’t ignore that there were noises coming from everywhere and nowhere. Lights that turned on by themselves. Uneasy feelings and moments of dread. We went in with a perfect knowledge that there was no such thing as ghosts, and came out complete and absolute believers.
That was over a decade ago and when we left, we swore that except for Sunday night dinner none of us would ever stay the night at Lemp again. And we made good on that declaration till now. In fact, for years after our experience I personally didn’t go to the upper levels of the house when we came for dinner. It was only after they finished the renovations of the third floor that I finally got the nerve to go navigate that creaky back staircase.
            But several months ago after releasing my first book, The Crossing, I began thinking about the Lemp Mansion and my experience there. Since that night so long ago, I’ve visited many haunted spots across the world. I’ve braved them without thought and with actual excitement. But Lemp still stood as a symbol of foreboding for me even though it was my experience there that truly sparked my interest in the supernatural. So with one ghost story behind be and my next novel, All Souls’ Night, on the way. I thought it was time to revisit the spot where my life took a drastic turn that lead me down a new road as a writer of supernatural mysteries and ghost stories.
            I’m not going to lie, I’m a little nervous. But I’m also excited not only to see what road the Lemp might send me down this time but also to share my experience with all of you! Myself and my good friend, Jenn, will begin tweeting around 9:00pm Central Time here in the US. You can find our tweets at @AislinnAM and @frenchy0309. And be sure to check back here before and after the 19th as I’ll be posting information about the history of the Lemp mansion and why it’s so haunted. Also, after the 19th I’ll let you know what our night in the Lemp yielded, with pictures and hopefully EVP’s and video!

Questions or Comments?

As always, if you have any questions or comments for me or about any of my blogs please feel free to contact me at or leave a comment here!

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