Monday, April 29, 2013

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to my blog!

Well it’s finally here—my blog! And it’s long over due, I know. But after I published my book, “The Crossing,” I began to struggle with what I wanted to blog about. At first I thought as a writer it made sense to write about writing but what I really wanted to blog about was what inspires me as a writer, not just the mundane aspects of how to get from point “A” to point “B” when working on a project. 
            Now I’m sure that as the blog goes along I’ll be posting some how-to segments for my fellow authors out there, as it was other authors’ blogs that really helped me get things going, but for now I’m going to stick to themes of inspiration.

So what’s it all about?

I’ve been fascinated with ancient folklore and the supernatural for as long as I can remember. Stories of long abandoned practices, ghosts and witches, and haunted places have always set my imagination aflame and my fingers to the keyboard where I’d create tales of my own.
            So it’s these paranormal and folkloric myths and legends that I want to share with you; the things that really get my mind racing and my imagination ablaze!
            In my coming blogs, look for ghost stories, ancient pagan belief and old superstitions. I hope you enjoy, and maybe even become inspired yourself, as I share my research and exciting little bits of the mysterious with you!

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